понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I decided to start this journal when I received my acceptance letter to study abroad in Valencia next semester. I want to use this as a way to keep my family and friends informed about what Iapos;m doing off in another country. Instead of sending group emails, I thought this would be a great/easy way to talk about what Iapos;ve been up to as well as be able to post some pictures.

The next step for me now is getting my Visa...

Hasta luego
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Sorry for not posting this week, it seems like there hasnapos;t been much new to update on, but I guess now I can...

I have a really challenging schedule Monday through Wednesday and then four day weekends, so its just a very disjointed-feeling schedule that I plan to change after my trip to Holland. Wednesday night I went to Gran Via (can be best compared to times square) to study and then walked over to Chueca (super hip gay fun place with lots of shopping) to buy little birthday gifts for Caitlin and Sonia. I asked this guy how much these scarfs cost (this one style of scarf is a HUGE trend here - black and white and sort of checkered) and he immediately caught my accent and we got to talking in English. His name is David, he was born in Philadelphia and raised in Portugal and living in Madrid to go to a school for animation/comic drawing. He invited me out with some of his friends, I met some interesting guys from Venezuela, and David was able to jump from Spanish to English whenever I needed a little help understanding something. Fun time. Iapos;ve really been on a roll this week with making new friends and I find it interesting that now that Iapos;m in the swing of things I have a much easier time making friends when I venture out on my own.

Friday was Caitlinapos;s birthday so she wanted to go to this club called Pacha that everyone here talks about. They have this word here, "pijo" which is like itapos;s own subculture - pijo people are said to talk in a weird way (like the Spanish version of a valley girl) and only want designer clothing and arenapos;t necessarily bright but think theyapos;re above everyone that isnapos;t as shallow as them. After going to Pacha, I completely understand what the word means. I HATED THIS PLACE There were girls that were checking themselves out in hand held mirrors and applying make up while sitting at the bar. Almost every single guy there was dressed like he was on his way to a golf tournament, sweater wrapped around the neck and everything. I never thought I disliked people like that so much until I was completely smothered in it. SOOO I got out of there as soon as possible with Neesha and met up with Nic and Russell who for some reason werenapos;t allowed in. They shoulda worn their sweaters in the right way, clearly.

Saturday was Cristinaapos;s (from Colmenar-Viejo) 18th birthday. Yep. Sheapos;s young. But the GW group had plans to celebrate Soniaapos;s birthday which had already passed but never been celebrated properly. The choice was between taking the metro, a train, and a bus outside of Madrid solo for Cristinaapos;s OR to stick with GW friends and go to the coolest club Iapos;ve ever been to in my life - Kapital. I didnapos;t want to turn down Cristinaapos;s offer but given the trek it seemed reasonable. Edu and Carlos started calling all of our phones (Cristinaapos;s friends) like "where are you guys?" Mind you, no one else in the group had ever even planned to go to Cristinaapos;s birthday. I felt bad because they all called us, even Cristina, when we were in Kapital to say they were in Madrid and did we want to meet up. Anyway this probably isnapos;t that interesting so long story short I think I may have hurt my sweet Spanish friendapos;s feelings.

Kapital is a 7 floor club that is unbelievable. The first floor has this cool steam that comes out and confetti that goes flying every 15 minutes or so. The music is great. There is a very Spanish floor with strobe lights, a terrace for relaxing, and a hip hop floor that is set up like a stadium sort of. I ended up making friends with some guys there that seem pretty cool. One of them is named Carlos and he somehow has learned English better than Iapos;ve learned Spanish just through taking classes. Heapos;s a total gentleman and just very nice and made me laugh. As we walked out of the club I realized that I had forgotten my coat inside. He offered to walk me back in but the bouncer wouldnapos;t allow it. I went back up to get my coat and ran into Nic and Neesha who Iapos;d lost for a minute and when we came outside it was pouring and Carlos was gone. Fortunately Iapos;d already exchanged numbers with Carlos so there is another friend - hooray. Neesha went home and Nic and I went to San Gines, the famous chocolate churros place. Itapos;s known for being jam packed at 6 am with people coming back from a night out. I will definitely have fond memories of those churros when I leave this country. I think the 6am churro tradition ought to become a global phenomenon - the world would just be happier
Today I have studied, studied, talked to Fredes (happy birthday) and my mom and am about to go study some more. I really want to change my schedule

P.S. Mom and Dad - I donapos;t go out like this every weekend I promise :) It was a biiirthday weekend, ya know?

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some of the stories:

"The Toughest Indian in the World" - Sherman Alexie
"Lobster Night" - Russell Banks
"Poor Devil" - Charles Baxter
"Off" - Aimee Bender (ahhhh)
"Son of the Wolfman" - Michael Chabon
"Television" - Lydia Davis
"Aurora" - Junot Diaz
"The Girl in the Plane" - Mary Gaitskill

omg I canapos;t even list them all. Loorie Moore, Amy Hempel, Richard Ford, Matt Klam, MAILE MELOY (sup Colinapos;s sister, can I incorporate The Decemberists into a lesson plan? I THINK SO) Such a great mix of authors, real contemporary stories, ahhh I am probably too excited about this book but DAMN I wish it had been out a couple months earlier. Turns out Joyce Carol Oates is good for something.

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big little people

So, in my household, there is a lot of OCD talk and how I can use my.......skills........for other things.
Well, today, I see how it works.
My OCD went into ultra mega drive today and I went spastic neato pedantic with the clothes at work. But it was good because I was chanelling all that OCD power into something where itapos;ll do something good. Not bad.
Sometimes I wonder, with all this, obsessive compulsive, Iapos;m bound to get somewhere higher in life.
Look at all the actors and sports players. Artists and musicians.
All the memorable and insane ones had OCD.
I just have to choose the right path and how to use it.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

evolution lancer 8

I shouldnapos;t have to hear that. I hope I never do again.

Today was the memorial service for my grandmotherapos;s second husband, Rich. We were never close to him. He apparently didnapos;t get along well with my father nor my uncle and I never knew much about him.

But apparently he was in the Marines. So they had a three round salute that I wasnapos;t expecting so I jumped 10 ft outta my seat when the first shot went off XD; But then the bugle started... And I didnapos;t expect to feel much of anything at this service since I knew so little of the guy but the sound of that bugle just got to me. I never expected to hear it and I pray I never have to again.

Grandmaapos;s sister brought some photo albums that were fun to flip through. There were some old photos of my father and his brother as kids of course and even a few that had mom in them as well from when she and dad were dating. There were also photos from Grandma Dotapos;s property before she actually lived on it and old photos of the Galleriaapos;s ice rink, and even some photos of Astroworld from the 60apos;s or 70apos;s... I love old photos. I love photos period. I canapos;t wait to share mine in the future with my kids. <3

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A friend of mine just had a baby and naturally sheapos;s taken tons of pictures of it: some are with her camera, some are from the hospital, some are from studios....all of which have places online where people can view the pictures. I swear Iapos;ve had to sign�up for 5 different online viewing accounts at places I�will NEVER visit again just to see this baby. Itapos;s ridiculous. Parents, Iapos;d love to see your baby and Iapos;m real happy for you, but seriously stop making us sign up for all of these websites
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Are people actually getting worked up about what "Joe the Plumber" said?

Um, pointing out that someone whose income exceeds $200,000 (or is it $250,000? I canapos;t remember) might have to pay additional taxes isnapos;t exactly a dagger in the heart of an Obama campaign.

Iapos;d like to think that the American people all know that those tax increases would NOT affect, oh, 98 percent of the population. And I doubt that theyapos;d have much sympathy for someone making that much money themselves, unless they were also in that bracket -- in which case theyapos;re not likely to vote for Obama anyway.

Pssht. Let him complain. He has a right to. It just falls on deaf ears and is a complete non-issue. No need to get worked up about what he says.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

dr holstein

Looks like much of what Iapos;m interested in using got updated smoothly enough for the patch, but not quite anything.

I see that the Cosmos UI project is shutting down. I only used one of their addons, but I came to count on it a lot. Action Button Colors did the best job Iapos;ve seen of vigorously highlighting what buttons arenapos;t ready for use for lack of mana or rage/energy/etc, and which arenapos;t because of being out of range. Anyone want to recommend a replacement or update for that?

Also, have I missed news of updates for Doublewide, Talented, and Lightheaded? And Cartographer?

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Aijai, on se el�m� ihanaa. K�vin t�n�n �idin kanssa katsomassa elokuvan Mamma Mia (�iti sai meik�l�isen vihdoin taivuteltua), ja pakko my�nt�� ett� se oli yll�tt�v�n hyv�. Vaikka en olekaan mik�n varsinainen Abba-fani, kappaleet olivat hyvi� ja sopivat tietysti elokuvaan kuin nakutettu. :D

Erityisesti silm�ni vieh�tti Dominic Cooper, joka siis n�yttelee leffassa Mian sulhasta, Skyta. T�m�n kuvan lainasin (=p�llin) yhdest� toisesta blogista, jossa kuva tekstin� seisoo: Dominic Cooper is just muy caliente mik� mun mielest�ni sopii aika hyvin siihen, mit�s mielt� te olette?

*kuolaa n�pp�imist�lle*

Krhm, niin asiasta toiseen... Tietenkin kehitin elokuvan aikana mieless�ni monta herkullista paritusta, jotka voisi fanfictionin avulla toteuttaa. Joten suokaa anteeksi, l�hden nyt vierailemaan Fanfiction.netapos;ss� josko sielt� kivaa l�ytyisi. (;

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