среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

cd down load

Yesterday was a very hot day here.� Now itapos;s still hot.� Now weapos;re in the spring beginning and itapos;s too hot.� So in the summer I think here will be as hot as the hell.

Today I went to Marciaapos;s house with Jimmi to use the piano and train the song I want to sing on Friday in my church.� Iapos;ve choosen I have Never Seen, by Amuro Namie.� I wanted to sing one more song, but Jimmi canapos;t learn another song until Friday.� But Jimmi has told me that wonapos;t play the piano if he donapos;t learn it well.� I agree with him.� I prefer not do the things than doing them bad.

Today me, Jimmi, Nathalia and Marcia was talking about married.� We agree in several points.� Many people say that married is difficult and you have to live with other people and accept he fails, etc.� I think you must know whatapos;s a real marriage before get it.� Because some people wants a perfect person when they arenapos;t so perfect.� Sometimes they want the prince charming (or princess) when they are the frog.� A�leader of my chuch has said "when youapos;re having date with a person, you have to keep eyes opened... But when you get married, you keep them closed".� It doesnapos;t mean that we need to accept everything, but we have to realize that everybody has fails, including us.

I donapos;t know if my idea of married is correct, but I hope my marriage can be happy.� I know every couple has troubles, but one day I listened in the church that if we each one give their 50 in marriage, it wonapos;t be good.� Each one need to give their 100 in marriage.

Some people get married thinking about divorce.� So why do they marry?� Thatapos;s very strange to me.

Well, itapos;s my point of view.� I have to go to bed now.�� Today it will be a tiring day.

Ja, mata ne

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