пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

camel rate toe wet

Are people actually getting worked up about what "Joe the Plumber" said?

Um, pointing out that someone whose income exceeds $200,000 (or is it $250,000? I canapos;t remember) might have to pay additional taxes isnapos;t exactly a dagger in the heart of an Obama campaign.

Iapos;d like to think that the American people all know that those tax increases would NOT affect, oh, 98 percent of the population. And I doubt that theyapos;d have much sympathy for someone making that much money themselves, unless they were also in that bracket -- in which case theyapos;re not likely to vote for Obama anyway.

Pssht. Let him complain. He has a right to. It just falls on deaf ears and is a complete non-issue. No need to get worked up about what he says.

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